GAME LOG Motown @ Naugatuck
Saturday, 6/16/2007
Batting: Motown, top of 1st.
Pitching: Marius Russo
CF Paul Hines:
Flies out to right-center.
C Gus Mancuso:
Flies out to shallow right field.
SS Hugh Duffy:
DOUBLES down the left field line.
LF Dave Winfield:
Reaches on a fielding error by the shortstop.
H. Duffy to third.
1B Bobby Avila:
Flies out to right-center.
Inning over... no runs, one hit, one error.
Score: Naugatuck 0, Motown 0
Batting: Naugatuck, bottom of 1st.
Pitching: Cherokee Fisher
LF Ken Williams:
Lines out to the first baseman.
3B Frank Baker:
Flies out to center field.
CF Edd Roush:
Grounds out to the third baseman.
Inning over... no runs, no hits, no errors.
Score: Naugatuck 0, Motown 0
Batting: Motown, top of 2nd.
Pitching: Marius Russo
RF Turkey Stearns:
Flies out to left field.
2B Red Schoendienst:
SINGLES to left
3B Jimmie Reese:
Grounded into double play, 5-4-3.
Inning over... no runs, one hit, no errors.
Score: Naugatuck 0, Motown 0
Batting: Naugatuck, bottom of 2nd.
Pitching: Cherokee Fisher
1B Ripper Collins:
Grounds out to the second baseman.
RF Kiki Cuyler:
Flies out down the left field line.
C Patsy Gharrity:
Grounds out to the first baseman.
Inning over... no runs, no hits, no errors.
Score: Naugatuck 0, Motown 0
Batting: Motown, top of 3rd.
Pitching: Marius Russo
P Cherokee Fisher:
Reaches base on an error by the leftfielder.
CF Paul Hines:
Fisher steals second.
Grounds out to the second baseman.
C. Fisher to third.
C Gus Mancuso:
Reaches on a throwing error by the third baseman.
C. Fisher scores.
SS Hugh Duffy:
Grounds out to the shortstop.
LF Dave Winfield:
SINGLES to center
G. Mancuso to third.
G. Mancuso scores.
1B Bobby Avila:
Winfield caught stealing at second.
Inning over... 2 runs, 2 hits, 2 errors.
Score: Motown 2, Naugatuck 0
Batting: Naugatuck, bottom of 3rd.
Pitching: Cherokee Fisher
2B Charlie Gehringer:
Flies out to shallow left field.
SS Larry Doyle:
Grounds out to the shortstop.
P Marius Russo:
Strikes out swinging.
Inning over... no runs, no hits, no errors.
Score: Motown 2, Naugatuck 0
Batting: Motown, top of 4th.
Pitching: Marius Russo
1B Bobby Avila:
Flies out to short right-center.
RF Turkey Stearns:
Strikes out swinging.
2B Red Schoendienst:
Base on balls.
3B Jimmie Reese:
Flies out to right-center.
Inning over... no runs, no hits, no errors.
Score: Motown 2, Naugatuck 0
Batting: Naugatuck, bottom of 4th.
Pitching: Cherokee Fisher
LF Ken Williams:
Grounds out to the second baseman.
3B Frank Baker:
Grounds out to the shortstop.
CF Edd Roush:
SINGLES to left
1B Ripper Collins:
DOUBLES down the right field line.
E. Roush scores.
RF Kiki Cuyler:
Strikes out looking.
Inning over... one run, 2 hits, no errors.
Score: Motown 2, Naugatuck 1
Batting: Motown, top of 5th.
Pitching: Marius Russo
P Cherokee Fisher:
Grounds out to the second baseman.
CF Paul Hines:
Grounds out to the second baseman.
C Gus Mancuso:
Flies out to shallow center field.
Inning over... no runs, no hits, no errors.
Score: Motown 2, Naugatuck 1
Batting: Naugatuck, bottom of 5th.
Pitching: Cherokee Fisher
C Patsy Gharrity:
Strikes out swinging.
2B Charlie Gehringer:
Grounds out to the second baseman.
SS Larry Doyle:
Grounds out to the third baseman.
Inning over... no runs, no hits, no errors.
Score: Motown 2, Naugatuck 1
Batting: Motown, top of 6th.
Pitching: Marius Russo
SS Hugh Duffy:
Grounds out to the shortstop.
LF Dave Winfield:
Grounds out to the first baseman.
1B Bobby Avila:
DOUBLES to deep right field.
RF Turkey Stearns:
Grounds out to the pitcher.
Inning over... no runs, one hit, no errors.
Score: Motown 2, Naugatuck 1
Batting: Naugatuck, bottom of 6th.
Pitching: Cherokee Fisher
P Marius Russo:
Strikes out looking.
LF Ken Williams:
SOLO HOMERUN down the left field line. (317 feet)
3B Frank Baker:
SINGLES to short right-center.
CF Edd Roush:
Flies out to left field.
1B Ripper Collins:
Strikes out swinging.
Inning over... one run, 2 hits, no errors.
Score: Naugatuck 2, Motown 2
Batting: Motown, top of 7th.
Pitching: Marius Russo
2B Red Schoendienst:
Grounds out to the third baseman.
3B Jimmie Reese:
Flies out to center field.
P Cherokee Fisher:
Strikes out swinging.
Inning over... no runs, no hits, no errors.
Score: Naugatuck 2, Motown 2
Batting: Naugatuck, bottom of 7th.
Pitching: Cherokee Fisher
RF Kiki Cuyler:
Strikes out swinging.
C Patsy Gharrity:
Strikes out swinging.
2B Charlie Gehringer:
Grounds out to the second baseman.
Inning over... no runs, no hits, no errors.
Score: Naugatuck 2, Motown 2
Batting: Motown, top of 8th.
Pitching: Marius Russo
CF Paul Hines:
Grounds out to the second baseman.
C Gus Mancuso:
Flies out to left field.
SS Hugh Duffy:
Grounds out to the second baseman.
Inning over... no runs, no hits, no errors.
Score: Naugatuck 2, Motown 2
Batting: Naugatuck, bottom of 8th.
Pitching: Cherokee Fisher
SS Larry Doyle:
Grounds out to the shortstop.
PH Bobby Veach:
Grounds out to the shortstop.
LF Ken Williams:
Grounds out to the third baseman.
Inning over... no runs, no hits, no errors.
Score: Naugatuck 2, Motown 2
Batting: Motown, top of 9th.
Pitching: Marius Russo
New pitcher: Tom Hughes.
LF Dave Winfield:
PH Tommy Holmes:
Grounds out to the second baseman.
PH Tommy Tucker:
Grounds out to the second baseman.
RF Turkey Stearns:
Flies out to shallow right field.
Inning over... no runs, no hits, no errors.
Score: Naugatuck 2, Motown 2
Batting: Naugatuck, bottom of 9th.
Pitching: Cherokee Fisher
3B Frank Baker:
New CF: Tommy Holmes.
New 1B: Tommy Tucker.
Grounds out to the third baseman.
New pitcher: Mark Littell.
CF Edd Roush:
SINGLES to center
New pitcher: Rich Gossage.
1B Ripper Collins:
Roush steals second.
Throwing error by the catcher, runner to third.
E. Roush to third.
Base on balls.
RF Kiki Cuyler:
Flies out to shallow right-center.
PH Jack Fournier:
Strang steals second.
Grounds out to the first baseman.
Inning over... no runs, one hit, one error.
Score: Naugatuck 2, Motown 2
Batting: Motown, top of 10th.
Pitching: Tom Hughes
2B Red Schoendienst:
New C : Chief Meyers.
New 1B: Jack Fournier.
Grounds out to the third baseman.
PH Don Mattingly:
SINGLES to left
New pitcher: Johnny Sain.
P Rich Gossage:
PH Babe Phelps:
SINGLES to center
C. Lansford to second.
LF Ken Griffey, Sr.:
Flies out to short right field.
C Gus Mancuso:
SINGLES to center
C. Lansford to third.
B. Phelps to second.
C. Lansford scores.
B. Phelps to third.
SS Hugh Duffy:
Flies out to short center field.
Inning over... one run, 3 hits, no errors.
Score: Motown 3, Naugatuck 2
Batting: Naugatuck, bottom of 10th.
Pitching: Rich Gossage
New pitcher: Mark Clear.
2B Charlie Gehringer:
New 3B: Carney Lansford.
Flies out to right field.
SS Larry Doyle:
Grounds out to the pitcher.
PH Dusty Miller:
Grounds out to the first baseman.
Game over. Score: Motown 3, Naugatuck 2
Thanks for coming to the ballpark!

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