GAME LOG New Canaan @ Louisville
Friday, 6/22/2007
Batting: New Canaan, top of 1st.
Pitching: Jack Chesbro
RF Benny Kauff:
Grounds out to the shortstop.
SS Herman Long:
SINGLES to center
LF Augie Galan:
DOUBLES down the right field line.
H. Long to third.
Long tries to score...
Gonzalez throws home...
Long scores!
CF Baby Doll Jacobson:
Flies out to the gap in left-center.
1B Coolpapa Bell:
Grounds out to the second baseman.
Inning over... one run, 2 hits, no errors.
Score: New Canaan 1, Louisville 0
Batting: Louisville, bottom of 1st.
Pitching: Doc White
3B Ray Blades:
Flies out to deep right-center.
2B Tony Lazzeri:
Grounds out to the second baseman.
1B George Sisler:
Strikes out looking.
Inning over... no runs, no hits, no errors.
Score: New Canaan 1, Louisville 0
Batting: New Canaan, top of 2nd.
Pitching: Jack Chesbro
2B Jackie Robinson:
Grounds out to the shortstop.
C Chief Zimmer:
Strikes out swinging.
3B Bill Doran:
Grounds out to the shortstop.
Inning over... no runs, no hits, no errors.
Score: New Canaan 1, Louisville 0
Batting: Louisville, bottom of 2nd.
Pitching: Doc White
CF Joe Dimaggio:
Grounds out to the third baseman.
RF Juan Gonzalez:
Strikes out swinging.
LF Ben Paschal:
SINGLES to right
SS Cal Ripken, Jr.:
Reaches on a fielding error by the third baseman.
B. Paschal to second.
C Walker Cooper:
Lines out to the second baseman.
Inning over... no runs, one hit, one error.
Score: New Canaan 1, Louisville 0
Batting: New Canaan, top of 3rd.
Pitching: Jack Chesbro
P Doc White:
Grounds out to the pitcher.
RF Benny Kauff:
SINGLES to shallow right field.
SS Herman Long:
Grounds into fielders choice to the shortstop, Kauff out at 2nd base.
LF Augie Galan:
Grounds out to the pitcher.
Inning over... no runs, one hit, no errors.
Score: New Canaan 1, Louisville 0
Batting: Louisville, bottom of 3rd.
Pitching: Doc White
P Jack Chesbro:
Lines out to the first baseman.
3B Ray Blades:
SINGLES down the left field line.
2B Tony Lazzeri:
Flies out to right-center.
1B George Sisler:
2-RUN HOMERUN to deep center field. (490 feet)
CF Joe Dimaggio:
Strikes out swinging.
Inning over... 2 runs, 2 hits, no errors.
Score: Louisville 2, New Canaan 1
Batting: New Canaan, top of 4th.
Pitching: Jack Chesbro
CF Baby Doll Jacobson:
Grounds out to the pitcher.
1B Coolpapa Bell:
Base on balls.
2B Jackie Robinson:
Bell caught stealing at second.
Flies out to left-center.
Inning over... no runs, no hits, no errors.
Score: Louisville 2, New Canaan 1
Batting: Louisville, bottom of 4th.
Pitching: Doc White
RF Juan Gonzalez:
SINGLES down the left field line.
LF Ben Paschal:
Flies out to deep right-center.
SS Cal Ripken, Jr.:
Grounded into double play, 6-4-3.
Inning over... no runs, one hit, no errors.
Score: Louisville 2, New Canaan 1
Batting: New Canaan, top of 5th.
Pitching: Jack Chesbro
C Chief Zimmer:
Lines out to the first baseman.
3B Bill Doran:
Flies out to right-center.
P Doc White:
Reaches on a throwing error by the third baseman.
RF Benny Kauff:
Grounds out to the first baseman.
Inning over... no runs, no hits, one error.
Score: Louisville 2, New Canaan 1
Batting: Louisville, bottom of 5th.
Pitching: Doc White
C Walker Cooper:
Flies out to left-center.
P Jack Chesbro:
Reaches on a fielding error by the pitcher.
3B Ray Blades:
Grounded into double play, 1-4-3.
Inning over... no runs, no hits, one error.
Score: Louisville 2, New Canaan 1
Batting: New Canaan, top of 6th.
Pitching: Jack Chesbro
SS Herman Long:
Grounds out to the shortstop.
LF Augie Galan:
Flies out to deep right-center.
CF Baby Doll Jacobson:
Grounds out to the shortstop.
Inning over... no runs, no hits, no errors.
Score: Louisville 2, New Canaan 1
Batting: Louisville, bottom of 6th.
Pitching: Doc White
2B Tony Lazzeri:
Flies out to left-center.
1B George Sisler:
DOUBLES to deep left field.
CF Joe Dimaggio:
Intentional walk.
RF Juan Gonzalez:
Grounded into double play, 1-4-3.
Inning over... no runs, one hit, no errors.
Score: Louisville 2, New Canaan 1
Batting: New Canaan, top of 7th.
Pitching: Jack Chesbro
1B Coolpapa Bell:
Grounds out to the first baseman.
2B Jackie Robinson:
Flies out to deep center field.
C Chief Zimmer:
Strikes out swinging.
Inning over... no runs, no hits, no errors.
Score: Louisville 2, New Canaan 1
Batting: Louisville, bottom of 7th.
Pitching: Doc White
LF Ben Paschal:
Strikes out swinging.
SS Cal Ripken, Jr.:
Flies out to deep right field.
C Walker Cooper:
Popped out to the shortstop.
Inning over... no runs, no hits, no errors.
Score: Louisville 2, New Canaan 1
Batting: New Canaan, top of 8th.
Pitching: Jack Chesbro
3B Bill Doran:
Flies out to center field.
PH Tommy McCarthy:
Flies out to shallow center field.
RF Benny Kauff:
SINGLES to shallow left-center.
SS Herman Long:
Grounds into fielders choice to the shortstop, Kauff out at 2nd base.
Jack Chesbro was injured.
Inning over... no runs, one hit, no errors.
Score: Louisville 2, New Canaan 1
Batting: Louisville, bottom of 8th.
Pitching: Doc White
New pitcher: John Wetteland.
P Jack Chesbro:
New SS: Tommy McCarthy.
PH Reggie Smith:
SINGLES to right
PH Rafael Palmeiro:
Grounds into fielders choice to the third baseman, Smith out at 2nd base.
PH Harry Rice:
Base on balls.
R. Palmeiro to second.
New pitcher: Deacon Phillippe.
1B George Sisler:
Flies out to shallow left-center.
CF Joe Dimaggio:
Grounds out to the pitcher.
Inning over... no runs, one hit, no errors.
Score: Louisville 2, New Canaan 1
Batting: New Canaan, top of 9th.
Pitching: Jack Chesbro
New pitcher: Ken Sanders.
LF Augie Galan:
New 2B: Harry Rice.
DOUBLES down the right field line.
CF Baby Doll Jacobson:
Strikes out swinging.
1B Coolpapa Bell:
DOUBLES to the gap in right-center.
A. Galan scores.
2B Jackie Robinson:
Intentional walk.
PH Jake Daubert:
Bell steals third.
Robinson steals second.
Grounds out to the first baseman.
3B Bill Doran:
Strikes out swinging.
Inning over... one run, 2 hits, no errors.
Score: Louisville 2, New Canaan 2
Batting: Louisville, bottom of 9th.
Pitching: Deacon Phillippe
RF Juan Gonzalez:
New C : Jimmie Wilson.
PH George Watkins:
Grounds out to the first baseman.
LF Ben Paschal:
SINGLES down the left field line.
New pitcher: Tom Burgmeier.
SS Cal Ripken, Jr.:
Strikes out swinging.
C Walker Cooper:
Paschal caught stealing at second.
Inning over... no runs, one hit, no errors.
Score: Louisville 2, New Canaan 2
Batting: New Canaan, top of 10th.
Pitching: Ken Sanders
SS Tommy McCarthy:
New RF: George Watkins.
Grounds out to the pitcher.
RF Benny Kauff:
Grounds out to the first baseman.
New pitcher: Nick Maddox.
P Tom Burgmeier:
PH Toby Harrah:
Grounds out to the third baseman.
Inning over... no runs, no hits, no errors.
Score: Louisville 2, New Canaan 2
Batting: Louisville, bottom of 10th.
Pitching: Tom Burgmeier
New pitcher: Hod Eller.
C Walker Cooper:
New 3B: Toby Harrah.
PH Smoky Burgess:
Grounds out to the third baseman.
P Nick Maddox:
Grounds out to the shortstop.
3B Del Pratt:
Grounds out to the shortstop.
Inning over... no runs, no hits, no errors.
Score: Louisville 2, New Canaan 2
Batting: New Canaan, top of 11th.
Pitching: Nick Maddox
LF Augie Galan:
New C : Smoky Burgess.
SINGLES to the gap in right-center.
New pitcher: Larry Cheney.
CF Baby Doll Jacobson:
Base on balls.
A. Galan to second.
1B Coolpapa Bell:
SINGLES to right
A. Galan to third.
B. Jacobson to second.
Galan tries to score...
Watkins throws home...
Galan scores!
B. Jacobson to third.
C. Bell to second.
2B Jackie Robinson:
Intentional walk.
C Jimmie Wilson:
Grounds into fielders choice to the third baseman, Jacobson out at home.
C. Bell to third.
J. Robinson to second.
New pitcher: Allen Sothoron.
P Hod Eller:
PH Eddie Murray:
SINGLES to shallow right-center.
C. Bell scores.
J. Robinson to third.
J. Wilson to second.
Robinson tries to score...
He scores without a throw.
SS Tommy McCarthy:
Grounded into double play, 4-6-3.
Inning over... 3 runs, 3 hits, no errors.
Score: New Canaan 5, Louisville 2
Batting: Louisville, bottom of 11th.
Pitching: Hod Eller
New pitcher: Dale Murray.
2B Harry Rice:
DOUBLES down the right field line.
1B George Sisler:
DOUBLES to the gap in right-center.
H. Rice scores.
CF Joe Dimaggio:
Base on balls.
RF George Watkins:
Lines out to the third baseman.
LF Ben Paschal:
SINGLES to center
G. Sisler to third.
J. Dimaggio to second.
Sisler tries to score...
He scores without a throw.
SS Cal Ripken, Jr.:
Strikes out swinging.
C Smoky Burgess:
SINGLES to left
J. Dimaggio to third.
B. Paschal to second.
J. Dimaggio scores.
P Allen Sothoron:
Grounds out to the first baseman.
Inning over... 3 runs, 4 hits, no errors.
Score: Louisville 5, New Canaan 5
Batting: New Canaan, top of 12th.
Pitching: Allen Sothoron
RF Benny Kauff:
Grounds out to the third baseman.
3B Toby Harrah:
Flies out to left-center.
LF Augie Galan:
Grounds out to the second baseman.
Inning over... no runs, no hits, no errors.
Score: Louisville 5, New Canaan 5
Batting: Louisville, bottom of 12th.
Pitching: Dale Murray
3B Del Pratt:
SINGLES to left
2B Harry Rice:
Pratt advances to second.
1B George Sisler:
Intentional walk.
CF Joe Dimaggio:
SINGLES to the gap in left-center.
D. Pratt to third.
G. Sisler to second.
RF George Watkins:
Flies out to right-center.
Pratt tags up at third...
He scores without a throw.
Game over. Score: Louisville 6, New Canaan 5
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