GAME LOG Motown @ Oceanside
Tuesday, 9/11/2007
Batting: Motown, top of 1st.
Pitching: Pete Alexander
LF Hugh Duffy:
DOUBLES down the right field line.
CF Ken Griffey, Sr.:
Grounds out to the first baseman.
H. Duffy to third.
2B Red Schoendienst:
Flies out to the gap in right-center.
Duffy tags up at third...
He scores without a throw.
C Johnny Blanchard:
Strikes out looking.
Inning over... one run, one hit, no errors.
Score: Motown 1, Oceanside 0
Batting: Oceanside, bottom of 1st.
Pitching: Bill Donovan
SS Travis Jackson:
Grounds out to the shortstop.
LF Max Carey:
Grounds out to the second baseman.
2B Nap Lajoie:
SOLO HOMERUN down the left field line. (342 feet)
RF Babe Herman:
Flies out to the gap in left-center.
Inning over... one run, one hit, no errors.
Score: Oceanside 1, Motown 1
Batting: Motown, top of 2nd.
Pitching: Pete Alexander
SS Johnny Pesky:
Strikes out looking.
3B Don Mattingly:
Grounds out to the shortstop.
1B Bobby Avila:
Grounds out to the shortstop.
Inning over... no runs, no hits, no errors.
Score: Oceanside 1, Motown 1
Batting: Oceanside, bottom of 2nd.
Pitching: Bill Donovan
1B Rudy York:
SINGLES to left
CF Pete Reiser:
York steals second.
SINGLES to the gap in right-center.
R. York to third.
York tries to score...
He scores without a throw.
C Ed McFarland:
Flies out to shallow center field.
3B Jimmy Collins:
Grounded into double play, 4-6-3.
Inning over... one run, 2 hits, no errors.
Score: Oceanside 2, Motown 1
Batting: Motown, top of 3rd.
Pitching: Pete Alexander
RF Ray Knight:
Grounds out to the second baseman.
P Bill Donovan:
Flies out to right field.
LF Hugh Duffy:
SINGLES to left
CF Ken Griffey, Sr.:
Duffy steals second.
Grounds out to the third baseman.
Inning over... no runs, one hit, no errors.
Score: Oceanside 2, Motown 1
Batting: Oceanside, bottom of 3rd.
Pitching: Bill Donovan
P Pete Alexander:
Strikes out looking.
SS Travis Jackson:
Flies out to the gap in right-center.
LF Max Carey:
DOUBLES to deep right field.
2B Nap Lajoie:
SINGLES to left
M. Carey to third.
M. Carey scores.
RF Babe Herman:
Lajoie caught stealing at second.
Inning over... one run, 2 hits, no errors.
Score: Oceanside 3, Motown 1
Batting: Motown, top of 4th.
Pitching: Pete Alexander
2B Red Schoendienst:
Grounds out to the first baseman.
C Johnny Blanchard:
Grounds out to the shortstop.
SS Johnny Pesky:
Flies out to the gap in left-center.
Inning over... no runs, no hits, no errors.
Score: Oceanside 3, Motown 1
Batting: Oceanside, bottom of 4th.
Pitching: Bill Donovan
RF Babe Herman:
SINGLES to left
1B Rudy York:
Grounded into double play, 5-4-3.
CF Pete Reiser:
Reaches on a fielding error by the first baseman.
C Ed McFarland:
Flies out to center field.
Inning over... no runs, one hit, one error.
Score: Oceanside 3, Motown 1
Batting: Motown, top of 5th.
Pitching: Pete Alexander
3B Don Mattingly:
Popped out to the shortstop.
1B Bobby Avila:
Strikes out swinging.
RF Ray Knight:
Flies out to deep right-center.
Inning over... no runs, no hits, no errors.
Score: Oceanside 3, Motown 1
Batting: Oceanside, bottom of 5th.
Pitching: Bill Donovan
3B Jimmy Collins:
SINGLES down the left field line.
P Pete Alexander:
Strikes out for bunting the ball foul with 2 strikes.
SS Travis Jackson:
Collins caught stealing at second.
Grounds out to the second baseman.
Inning over... no runs, one hit, no errors.
Score: Oceanside 3, Motown 1
Batting: Motown, top of 6th.
Pitching: Pete Alexander
P Bill Donovan:
Grounds out to the third baseman.
LF Hugh Duffy:
Strikes out swinging.
CF Ken Griffey, Sr.:
Strikes out looking.
Inning over... no runs, no hits, no errors.
Score: Oceanside 3, Motown 1
Batting: Oceanside, bottom of 6th.
Pitching: Bill Donovan
LF Max Carey:
SINGLES to shallow right field.
2B Nap Lajoie:
Carey caught stealing at second.
Flies out to shallow left-center.
RF Babe Herman:
Strikes out swinging.
Inning over... no runs, one hit, no errors.
Score: Oceanside 3, Motown 1
Batting: Motown, top of 7th.
Pitching: Pete Alexander
2B Red Schoendienst:
Flies out to center field.
C Johnny Blanchard:
Strikes out swinging.
SS Johnny Pesky:
Grounds out to the third baseman.
Inning over... no runs, no hits, no errors.
Score: Oceanside 3, Motown 1
Batting: Oceanside, bottom of 7th.
Pitching: Bill Donovan
1B Rudy York:
Grounds out to the second baseman.
CF Pete Reiser:
Flies out to center field.
C Ed McFarland:
Base on balls.
PH Jeff Heath:
Flies out to shallow right-center.
Inning over... no runs, no hits, no errors.
Score: Oceanside 3, Motown 1
Batting: Motown, top of 8th.
Pitching: Pete Alexander
3B Don Mattingly:
New 3B: Bill Keister.
New LF: Jeff Heath.
Grounds out to the second baseman.
1B Bobby Avila:
SINGLES down the left field line.
PH Chick Hafey:
SINGLES to left
B. Avila to second.
PH Tommy Holmes:
SINGLES to right
B. Avila to third.
C. Hafey to second.
Avila tries to score...
He scores without a throw.
LF Hugh Duffy:
SINGLES to left
C. Hafey to third.
T. Holmes to second.
Hafey tries to score...
Heath throws home...
Hafey scores!
T. Holmes to third.
H. Duffy to second.
CF Ken Griffey, Sr.:
Flies out to short left-center.
PH Darren Daulton:
Grounds out to the second baseman.
Inning over... 2 runs, 4 hits, no errors.
Score: Oceanside 3, Motown 3
Batting: Oceanside, bottom of 8th.
Pitching: Bill Donovan
New pitcher: Mark Littell.
P Pete Alexander:
New 2B: Willie Randolph.
New RF: Tommy Tucker.
New CF: Tommy Holmes.
PH Mule Suttles:
Flies out to left field.
SS Travis Jackson:
Strikes out swinging.
3B Bill Keister:
SINGLES to right
2B Nap Lajoie:
Keister caught stealing at second.
Inning over... no runs, one hit, no errors.
Score: Oceanside 3, Motown 3
Batting: Motown, top of 9th.
Pitching: Pete Alexander
New pitcher: Jack Aker.
C Johnny Blanchard:
Grounds out to the third baseman.
PH Jimmie Reese:
Grounds out to the shortstop.
3B Don Mattingly:
Grounds out to the second baseman.
Inning over... no runs, no hits, no errors.
Score: Oceanside 3, Motown 3
Batting: Oceanside, bottom of 9th.
Pitching: Mark Littell
2B Nap Lajoie:
New SS: Carney Lansford.
Flies out to short left field.
RF Babe Herman:
SINGLES to right
New pitcher: Rich Gossage.
1B Rudy York:
Strikes out looking.
CF Pete Reiser:
Strikes out swinging.
Inning over... no runs, one hit, no errors.
Score: Oceanside 3, Motown 3
Batting: Motown, top of 10th.
Pitching: Jack Aker
1B Bobby Avila:
New C : Ted Radcliff.
New RF: Birdie Cree.
Grounds out to the third baseman.
RF Tommy Tucker:
Flies out to right-center.
CF Tommy Holmes:
SOLO HOMERUN down the right field line. (332 feet)
LF Hugh Duffy:
SINGLES to short right-center.
PH Dave Winfield:
Duffy caught stealing at second.
Inning over... one run, 2 hits, no errors.
Score: Motown 4, Oceanside 3
Batting: Oceanside, bottom of 10th.
Pitching: Rich Gossage
New pitcher: Mark Clear.
RF Birdie Cree:
Strikes out swinging.
LF Jeff Heath:
Base on balls.
PH Frank Demaree:
Flies out to shallow right-center.
SS Travis Jackson:
Lines out to the shortstop.
Game over. Score: Motown 4, Oceanside 3
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