GAME LOG Portland @ Zzyzx
Thursday, 9/13/2007
Batting: Portland, top of 1st.
Pitching: Earl Hamilton
LF Carl Reynolds:
Grounds out to the first baseman.
2B Jack Glasscock:
Popped out to the third baseman.
1B George Burns:
SINGLES to center
RF Hank Aaron:
Flies out to left field.
Inning over... no runs, one hit, no errors.
Score: Zzyzx 0, Portland 0
Batting: Zzyzx, bottom of 1st.
Pitching: Bobby Mathews
SS Maury Wills:
Flies out to short right field.
RF Willie Keeler:
TRIPLES to the gap in left-center.
1B Phil Cavarretta:
Popped out to the second baseman.
2B Lou Whitaker:
2-RUN HOMERUN to deep right-center. (420 feet)
CF Willie Mays:
Grounds out to the second baseman.
Inning over... 2 runs, 2 hits, no errors.
Score: Zzyzx 2, Portland 0
Batting: Portland, top of 2nd.
Pitching: Earl Hamilton
SS Luke Appling:
SINGLES to center
3B Bill Barrett:
Strikes out swinging.
C Josh Gibson:
Flies out to the gap in right-center.
CF Bug Holliday:
Grounds out to the first baseman.
Inning over... no runs, one hit, no errors.
Score: Zzyzx 2, Portland 0
Batting: Zzyzx, bottom of 2nd.
Pitching: Bobby Mathews
LF George Selkirk:
SINGLES down the right field line.
3B Heinie Groh:
Base on balls.
G. Selkirk to second.
C Ernie Lombardi:
SINGLES to short left-center.
G. Selkirk to third.
H. Groh to second.
Selkirk tries to score...
Reynolds throws home...
Selkirk is out at home!
H. Groh to third.
E. Lombardi to second.
P Earl Hamilton:
SINGLES to right
H. Groh scores.
E. Lombardi to third.
Lombardi tries to score...
He scores without a throw.
New pitcher: Otto Hess.
SS Maury Wills:
Grounded into double play, 3-6-3.
Inning over... 2 runs, 3 hits, no errors.
Score: Zzyzx 4, Portland 0
Batting: Portland, top of 3rd.
Pitching: Earl Hamilton
P Otto Hess:
Flies out to deep left field.
LF Carl Reynolds:
Grounds out to the first baseman.
2B Jack Glasscock:
Reaches on a fielding error by the first baseman.
1B George Burns:
Glasscock steals second.
SINGLES to shallow left-center.
J. Glasscock to third.
J. Glasscock scores.
RF Hank Aaron:
Burns caught stealing at second.
Inning over... one run, one hit, one error.
Score: Zzyzx 4, Portland 1
Batting: Zzyzx, bottom of 3rd.
Pitching: Otto Hess
RF Willie Keeler:
Grounds out to the third baseman.
1B Phil Cavarretta:
Grounds out to the pitcher.
2B Lou Whitaker:
DOUBLES down the right field line.
CF Willie Mays:
Grounds out to the shortstop.
Inning over... no runs, one hit, no errors.
Score: Zzyzx 4, Portland 1
Batting: Portland, top of 4th.
Pitching: Earl Hamilton
RF Hank Aaron:
Grounds out to the shortstop.
SS Luke Appling:
Grounds out to the third baseman.
3B Bill Barrett:
Strikes out swinging.
Inning over... no runs, no hits, no errors.
Score: Zzyzx 4, Portland 1
Batting: Zzyzx, bottom of 4th.
Pitching: Otto Hess
LF George Selkirk:
Grounds out to the second baseman.
3B Heinie Groh:
SINGLES to the gap in right-center.
C Ernie Lombardi:
Groh caught stealing at second.
Flies out to short left field.
Inning over... no runs, one hit, no errors.
Score: Zzyzx 4, Portland 1
Batting: Portland, top of 5th.
Pitching: Earl Hamilton
C Josh Gibson:
SINGLES to shallow left field.
CF Bug Holliday:
Flies out to short left-center.
PH Bob Cerv:
Grounds into fielders choice to the pitcher, Gibson out at 2nd base.
LF Carl Reynolds:
Grounds into fielders choice to the third baseman, Cerv out at 2nd base.
Inning over... no runs, one hit, no errors.
Score: Zzyzx 4, Portland 1
Batting: Zzyzx, bottom of 5th.
Pitching: Otto Hess
New pitcher: Rube Waddell.
P Earl Hamilton:
Grounds out to the pitcher.
SS Maury Wills:
Flies out to left field.
RF Willie Keeler:
Flies out to right-center.
Inning over... no runs, no hits, no errors.
Score: Zzyzx 4, Portland 1
Batting: Portland, top of 6th.
Pitching: Earl Hamilton
2B Jack Glasscock:
Reaches on a fielding error by the second baseman.
1B George Burns:
Grounded into double play, 4-6-3.
RF Hank Aaron:
SINGLES to shallow left field.
SS Luke Appling:
Grounds out to the third baseman.
Inning over... no runs, one hit, one error.
Score: Zzyzx 4, Portland 1
Batting: Zzyzx, bottom of 6th.
Pitching: Rube Waddell
1B Phil Cavarretta:
DOUBLES down the right field line.
2B Lou Whitaker:
Reaches on INFIELD-HIT.
P. Cavarretta to third.
CF Willie Mays:
Whitaker caught stealing at second.
Intentional walk.
LF George Selkirk:
Flies out to deep left-center.
Cavarretta tags up at third...
He scores without a throw.
3B Heinie Groh:
Flies out to deep left-center.
Inning over... one run, 2 hits, no errors.
Score: Zzyzx 5, Portland 1
Batting: Portland, top of 7th.
Pitching: Earl Hamilton
3B Bill Barrett:
SINGLES to shallow center field.
C Josh Gibson:
Flies out to shallow right-center.
CF Bug Holliday:
TRIPLES down the right field line.
B. Barrett scores.
PH Gee Walker:
SINGLES down the left field line.
B. Holliday scores.
LF Carl Reynolds:
SINGLES to short right field.
G. Walker to second.
Walker tries to advance to third...
He reaches third base safely without a throw.
2B Jack Glasscock:
Reynolds steals second.
Flies out to shallow right-center.
1B George Burns:
Flies out to the gap in left-center.
Inning over... 2 runs, 4 hits, no errors.
Score: Zzyzx 5, Portland 3
Batting: Zzyzx, bottom of 7th.
Pitching: Rube Waddell
New pitcher: Hooks Wiltse.
C Ernie Lombardi:
Grounds out to the third baseman.
P Earl Hamilton:
Grounds out to the shortstop.
SS Maury Wills:
Grounds out to the pitcher.
Inning over... no runs, no hits, no errors.
Score: Zzyzx 5, Portland 3
Batting: Portland, top of 8th.
Pitching: Earl Hamilton
RF Hank Aaron:
Grounds out to the shortstop.
SS Luke Appling:
Base on balls.
3B Bill Barrett:
SINGLES to right
L. Appling to second.
C Josh Gibson:
Grounded into double play, 6-4-3.
Inning over... no runs, one hit, no errors.
Score: Zzyzx 5, Portland 3
Batting: Zzyzx, bottom of 8th.
Pitching: Hooks Wiltse
RF Willie Keeler:
Strikes out looking.
1B Phil Cavarretta:
SINGLES to center
PH George Foster:
Strikes out swinging.
CF Willie Mays:
DOUBLES to the gap in left-center.
P. Cavarretta scores.
LF George Selkirk:
Grounds out to the second baseman.
Inning over... one run, 2 hits, no errors.
Score: Zzyzx 6, Portland 3
Batting: Portland, top of 9th.
Pitching: Earl Hamilton
New pitcher: Steve Howe.
CF Bug Holliday:
New 2B: Eddie Stanky.
SINGLES to short right field.
PH Bob Dillinger:
Grounded into double play, 6-4-3.
LF Carl Reynolds:
SINGLES to right
2B Jack Glasscock:
Reaches on INFIELD-HIT.
C. Reynolds to second.
1B George Burns:
SINGLES to short left field.
C. Reynolds to third.
J. Glasscock to second.
Fielding error by the leftfielder!
C. Reynolds scores.
J. Glasscock to third.
G. Burns to second.
RF Hank Aaron:
DOUBLES down the left field line.
J. Glasscock scores.
G. Burns scores.
New pitcher: Greg Minton.
SS Luke Appling:
PH Boog Powell:
Strikes out swinging.
Inning over... 3 runs, 5 hits, one error.
Score: Zzyzx 6, Portland 6
Batting: Zzyzx, bottom of 9th.
Pitching: Hooks Wiltse
New pitcher: Dave Smith.
3B Heinie Groh:
New RF: Billy Southworth.
New SS: U. L. Washington.
New 1B: Boog Powell.
PH Ken Boyer:
DOUBLES down the left field line.
C Ernie Lombardi:
Boyer advances to third.
PH Chick Gandil:
Flies out to left-center.
Boyer tags up at third...
He scores without a throw.
Game over. Score: Zzyzx 7, Portland 6
Thanks for coming to the ballpark!

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