GAME LOG Lafayette @ Seattle
Sunday, 6/3/2007
Batting: Lafayette, top of 1st.
Pitching: Charlie Sweeney
RF Vada Pinson:
Lines out to the shortstop.
2B Buddy Myer:
Strikes out swinging.
3B Edgar Martinez:
Flies out to right-center.
Inning over... no runs, no hits, no errors.
Score: Seattle 0, Lafayette 0
Batting: Seattle, bottom of 1st.
Pitching: Chief Bender
2B Tom McCreery:
Grounds out to the second baseman.
3B Levi Meyerle:
Flies out to shallow right-center.
CF Willie Mays:
Popped out to the first baseman.
Inning over... no runs, no hits, no errors.
Score: Seattle 0, Lafayette 0
Batting: Lafayette, top of 2nd.
Pitching: Charlie Sweeney
1B Will Clark:
Grounds out to the pitcher.
LF Paul O'Neill:
Strikes out swinging.
CF Enos Slaughter:
Grounds out to the shortstop.
Inning over... no runs, no hits, no errors.
Score: Seattle 0, Lafayette 0
Batting: Seattle, bottom of 2nd.
Pitching: Chief Bender
LF Mickey Mantle:
Grounds out to the shortstop.
1B Norm Cash:
Strikes out swinging.
RF Carl Furillo:
Grounds out to the shortstop.
Inning over... no runs, no hits, no errors.
Score: Seattle 0, Lafayette 0
Batting: Lafayette, top of 3rd.
Pitching: Charlie Sweeney
SS Hubie Brooks:
Grounds out to the shortstop.
C Bubbles Hargrave:
Strikes out looking.
P Chief Bender:
SINGLES to the gap in left-center.
RF Vada Pinson:
SINGLES to right
C. Bender to second.
C. Bender to third.
2B Buddy Myer:
Pinson steals second.
Grounds out to the shortstop.
Inning over... no runs, 2 hits, no errors.
Score: Seattle 0, Lafayette 0
Batting: Seattle, bottom of 3rd.
Pitching: Chief Bender
C Ernie Lombardi:
SINGLES down the left field line.
SS Harvey Hendrick:
Flies out to deep left field.
P Charlie Sweeney:
Lombardi advances to second.
2B Tom McCreery:
SINGLES to right
E. Lombardi to third.
E. Lombardi scores.
3B Levi Meyerle:
Flies out to deep right-center.
Inning over... one run, 2 hits, no errors.
Score: Seattle 1, Lafayette 0
Batting: Lafayette, top of 4th.
Pitching: Charlie Sweeney
3B Edgar Martinez:
Popped out to the shortstop.
1B Will Clark:
TRIPLES down the right field line.
LF Paul O'Neill:
Flies out to deep left field.
Clark tags up at third...
He scores without a throw.
CF Enos Slaughter:
Grounds out to the second baseman.
Inning over... one run, one hit, no errors.
Score: Seattle 1, Lafayette 1
Batting: Seattle, bottom of 4th.
Pitching: Chief Bender
CF Willie Mays:
Grounds out to the second baseman.
LF Mickey Mantle:
Grounds out to the second baseman.
1B Norm Cash:
Strikes out swinging.
Inning over... no runs, no hits, no errors.
Score: Seattle 1, Lafayette 1
Batting: Lafayette, top of 5th.
Pitching: Charlie Sweeney
SS Hubie Brooks:
Grounds out to the pitcher.
C Bubbles Hargrave:
Popped out to the catcher.
P Chief Bender:
Flies out to deep right field.
Inning over... no runs, no hits, no errors.
Score: Seattle 1, Lafayette 1
Batting: Seattle, bottom of 5th.
Pitching: Chief Bender
RF Carl Furillo:
Grounds out to the second baseman.
C Ernie Lombardi:
Grounds out to the second baseman.
SS Harvey Hendrick:
Grounds out to the shortstop.
Inning over... no runs, no hits, no errors.
Score: Seattle 1, Lafayette 1
Batting: Lafayette, top of 6th.
Pitching: Charlie Sweeney
RF Vada Pinson:
DOUBLES to the gap in right-center.
2B Buddy Myer:
Pinson advances to third.
3B Edgar Martinez:
DOUBLES down the left field line.
V. Pinson scores.
1B Will Clark:
Popped out to the third baseman.
LF Paul O'Neill:
Grounds out to the first baseman.
Inning over... one run, 2 hits, no errors.
Score: Lafayette 2, Seattle 1
Batting: Seattle, bottom of 6th.
Pitching: Chief Bender
P Charlie Sweeney:
Grounds out to the first baseman.
2B Tom McCreery:
Strikes out swinging.
3B Levi Meyerle:
Flies out down the right field line.
Inning over... no runs, no hits, no errors.
Score: Lafayette 2, Seattle 1
Batting: Lafayette, top of 7th.
Pitching: Charlie Sweeney
CF Enos Slaughter:
SINGLES to left
SS Hubie Brooks:
Strikes out looking.
C Bubbles Hargrave:
Strikes out swinging.
PH Denny Lyons:
Flies out to left field.
Inning over... no runs, one hit, no errors.
Score: Lafayette 2, Seattle 1
Batting: Seattle, bottom of 7th.
Pitching: Chief Bender
New pitcher: Kevin Brown.
CF Willie Mays:
SINGLES down the first-base line.
LF Mickey Mantle:
Mays caught stealing at second.
Grounds out to the first baseman.
1B Norm Cash:
SOLO HOMERUN to deep center field. (426 feet)
RF Carl Furillo:
Flies out to the gap in right-center.
Inning over... one run, 2 hits, no errors.
Score: Seattle 2, Lafayette 2
Batting: Lafayette, top of 8th.
Pitching: Charlie Sweeney
RF Vada Pinson:
Grounds out to the second baseman.
2B Buddy Myer:
Flies out to right-center.
3B Edgar Martinez:
Grounds out to the second baseman.
Inning over... no runs, no hits, no errors.
Score: Seattle 2, Lafayette 2
Batting: Seattle, bottom of 8th.
Pitching: Kevin Brown
C Ernie Lombardi:
Grounds out to the third baseman.
SS Harvey Hendrick:
Grounds out to the second baseman.
PH Kevin Mitchell:
Strikes out swinging.
Inning over... no runs, no hits, no errors.
Score: Seattle 2, Lafayette 2
Batting: Lafayette, top of 9th.
Pitching: Charlie Sweeney
New pitcher: Doug Corbett.
1B Will Clark:
Grounds out to the second baseman.
LF Paul O'Neill:
Lines out to the second baseman.
CF Enos Slaughter:
Base on balls.
New pitcher: John Franco.
SS Hubie Brooks:
PH Sherry Magee:
Grounds out to the pitcher.
Inning over... no runs, no hits, no errors.
Score: Seattle 2, Lafayette 2
Batting: Seattle, bottom of 9th.
Pitching: Kevin Brown
2B Tom McCreery:
New CF: Snuffy Stirnweiss.
New RF: Sherry Magee.
SINGLES to shallow right field.
New pitcher: Bill Henry.
3B Levi Meyerle:
SINGLES to center
T. McCreery to second.
McCreery tries to advance to third...
He reaches third base safely without a throw.
CF Willie Mays:
3-RUN HOMERUN down the left field line. (318 feet)
Game over. Score: Seattle 5, Lafayette 2
Thanks for coming to the ballpark!

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