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OTL 2010
Lindstrom Finally Fails, Streak Ends at 20
Lindstrom Finally Fails, Streak Ends at 20
Sunday, September 26th, 2010: Freddie Lindstrom's sizzling streak was snapped at 20 today as the Syracuse Amazin' Mets dropped a game to the Oroville Padres 4-1 at New Comiskey Park. Lindstrom failed to get a hit and went 0-for-4.

After the game Lindstrom spoke with BNN and said, "This was quite a streak. I just ran into some good pitching today."

In the current season, Lindstrom has put up a .344 batting average with 201 hits, 11 home runs, 48 RBI and scored 98 runs.

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